Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

There are certainly a number of folks who try to capitalize on "being green" on and around Earth Day. Most of all I think that it is good that people have a day that gets them thinking about the environment. Let today be the day you decide you should do something to help the environment!

We have several products that can help you save energy by controlling your lights, HVAC system, an Energy Star rated whole home audio system, etc. But first, it helps to know what in your house is using the most electricity, and how much it is costing you.

This device, the Kill A WATT EZ can calculate the cost of using your electronic devices down to the day/month/year. You can pick one up for about $25 locally at a hardware or home improvement center or online.

Pick one up and start moving it around your house to see what consumes the most electricity in your house. Then you can make educated decisions about whether some of the products you currently have should be replaced, or at least unplugged when you are not using them.

There are some surge protectors like this on from Panamax that we offer that can cut the power to half of the equipment in your home entertainment system until you turn on a key component like the A/V receiver. The everything else will have power available to it and be ready to switch on.

How much power does your house use when you're not there? What are you willing to do about it?