Tuesday, July 13, 2010

See HomeWorks in the News!

This past Friday, July 9th, HomeWorks was featured on WMBD Channel 31's 6 o'clock news.

One of our clients, Scott Tallyn, was on discussing his HomeWorks installed Control 4 system and how easy it is to control with his iPad and iPhone.

HomeWorks and Control 4 can operate just about anything in your home, but when you control it with the iPad, it is really fun and super easy.

Check out the news clip to see how HomeWorks can make your home work.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ode to the Control 4 iPad App:

Combine the iPad with Control 4 and you’ll see,

Just how easy running your house can be.

Play your music, turn on your TV

With a quick tap or two, it is very easy.

Adjust the temp, lock the door, and dim the light

Have your friends over for a scary movie night!

Check on the kids, playing in their room,

or in the yard on a camera with zoom.

Is the garage door closed, did I lock the back door?

Hit the good night button and worry no more.

I could go on and on about the capabilities of Control 4 partnered with your iPad. A lot longer than I could continue to come up with rhymes! Control 4 can operate just about anything in your house, but it’s when you control it with the iPad that it is really fun and super easy. The interface is very smooth, and gives you the best of the iPad features like “flicking” through your music and high resolution graphics. Check out this YouTube video to see the how the interface works.

Everything is represented with an icon or a big easy to read button, no squinting required even in a dark theater room!

What do I need to make my iPad work with my Control 4 system you ask? You need a really good wireless network that covers any area of the house that you would use the iPad. You also need a license to connect it to your Control 4 system for security purposes. (You wouldn’t want your neighbor’s iPad to control your garage door!) You need a good integrator who knows how to get it all set up for you and to make sure that your system is updated and ready to communicate with your iPad. Finally, you need lots and lots of time to play with it!

Control 4 has all kinds of products, with lots of really nice features to enhance your lifestyle. Now…you have the greatest accessory to your system. Plus you have all of the other iPad features too, what could be better?

Contact HomeWorks to have your Control 4 system updated and your iPad connected to your system today. Don’t have Control 4 yet? Let us give you a quote on a system that fits your needs, and your budget!