Thursday, March 11, 2010

Control 4

One of our favorite and best selling product lines, Control 4, just received some well deserved nationwide attention in USA Today this week. These products, and their creators are shaping how people live their lives in the homes of tomorrow, but they’ve been doing it for 5 years already!

It is the modest intention of Control 4 to have a part in your future too! They are working every day to increase their brand awareness and product lineup to fit into every home and budget. They have product solutions that can simplify your life, save you time, give you a better sense of safety, enhance your lifestyle, and more. They also have a very large focus on saving energy in a big way. Stay tuned for more on that in future blogs!

We think Control 4 is pretty great, and we are excited that more and more people are hearing what it can do for them! Here’s a link to the article:

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